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May, 1st 2024

Smart Waste Agency

A live-action roleplaying game to become involved in the great quest of making the waste system of our city-region smarter.

Using a superhero/agent narrative, a gamified open-source online platform, local events and a board-and-card game design challenge, we empower and involve young people into our Smart City / Smart Waste design.

Project idea: March 15th 2024

3 City-Administration units and 2 non-profit .orgs on board: April 2024

Early Access Launch: May 1st 2024

What a ride 😀

To enthuse us Oldies and project-partners has been the easy part although impressive in it´s agile fastness from idea to launch. Now comes the big challenge:

Will young people be inspired to join the SWA with a theme centered around Waste ?
Figuring that out is our next challenge as coop partners.